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Live life to the PLUS+

Did you know that 75% of all chronic disease is preventable? 


  • 1 in 3 people live with some form of cardiovascular disease
  • 1 in 3 women will develop some form of cancer
  • 1 in 2 men will develop some form of cancer
  • 1 in 3 people will develop diabetes by the year 2050
  • 1 in 3 people are obese
  • 116 million people are living with chronic pain
  • US national healthcare expenditures are approaching $3 trillion a year
  • by age 12, many of our children have developed the beginning stages of hardening of the arteries
  • 1 in 3 children is obese
  • 1 in 3 children today will develop diabetes in their lifetime
  • more than 25% of our children take prescription drugs on a regular basis
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children as young as eight can be treated with cholesterol-lowering statin drugs
Living life to the Plus+ includes:
  • consuming more whole foods and less processed foods
  • managing stress
  • getting adequate sleep
  • exercising
  • drinking water
  • practicing prevention

To help close the gap, the USDA now recommends you make half your plate fruits and vegetables at every meal

Healthy cells are your body's front-line defense against OXIDATIVE STRESS at the cellular level.
Fruits and vegetables provide ANTIOXIDANTS needed for healthy cell performance.

Bridging the GAP with JUICE PLUS+
The next best things to fruits and vegetables!
  • 25 fruits, vegetables, berries and grains
  • juiced and dried at low temperatures
  • clinically proven
  • supported by leading health professionals
  • NSF certified
JUICE PLUS+ is whole food based
Unlike traditional vitamin supplements, Juice Plus+ contains naturally occurring phytonutrients from the fruits, berries and vegetables themselves.

JUICE PLUS+ and Prevention
Clinically proven to put the PLUS+ in YOUR LIFE
  • Absorbed by the body
  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • Reduces key biomarkers of systemic inflammation
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Helps protect DNA
  • Supports cardiovascular wellness
  • Supports healthy skin and gums
JUICE PLUS+ and skin
Research shows:
  • better skin hydration
  • improved skin density
  • better circulation
JUICE PLUS+ and a healthy smile
Research shows:
  • healthier gums
  • less bleeding
  • reduced inflammation
  • reduced pocket depth
  • tighter and higher attachment of gums to teeth
JUICE PLUS+ and fitness
Research shows:
  • reduces oxidative stress
  • reduces protein damage
  • decreases inflammation
  • fewer sick days
JUICE PLUS+ and kids

  • "Kids eat free" with Children's Health Study
  • kids eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water
  • kids have fewer doctor visits
  • kids take less prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicine
  • 92% experienced a positive benefit of some kind
It's so easy to LIVE LIFE to the PLUS+
Orchard, Garden and Vineyard blends 
25 fruits, vegetables, berries and grains
Less than $2.50 a day

Orchard and Garden blends
17 fruits, vegetables and grains
Less than $1.50 a day

For more information or to place an order, 
please visit my website!

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My story: Why I believe in JuicePlus+

I thought I would start this blog out with my story and why I believe in the nutritional benefits of JuicePlus+ and have made it an important part of my daily nutrition. 

I first heard about JuicePlus+ from my son, Brad. In the past year or so, he has gotten into running - not just running, but competitive running. {I will have much more to tell about that in future journal entries}. Thru the course of his training, he became very passionate about his nutrition and started sharing that with my husband and me. Along the way, he met John Nardozzi in his small group, and the two of them hit it off discussing healthy nutrition and exercise. John introduced Brad to JuicePlus+ along with Kangen Water {more about that too, in a future journal entry} and the results of the two of those combined has been remarkable. In the midst of all that, Brad was teaching a Run for God 5K course at our church, Grace Nazarene. John came to one of our meetings and discussed nutrition and everything John said that night just made sense. Why did it make sense? Well, I had just had lunch with two of my friends not even a week before and we had gotten into a deep discussion about nutrition and the importance of whole foods. John talked about all the same things that we had been discussing and I was eager to learn more. I learned thru John, that the new USDA dietary guidelines were to get 9 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. To reach that goal you must have half your plate of fruits and vegetables. 
I knew we were not meeting that recommendation at all and we needed something to bridge the gap. John is also a health coach and my husband and I had him come to our home and do health evaluations on us. After talking with John, I knew we were falling way behind in getting enough fruits and vegetables into our daily diet. John told us about JuicePlus+ and all the benefits, science and research behind it. For those who are local, living in Columbia or Spring Hill, TN area, I highly recommend my health coach, John Nardozzi (jmnardozzi@gmail.com).  He can give you a health evaluation and you will be amazed at what you will learn about yourself and the garbage you don't even realize that you are putting into your body! For us, it made perfect sense to get started on JuicePlus+ because I now know for certain that we are getting all the fruits and vegetables into our daily diet. 
What is JuicePlus+? It is more than extra vitamins and minerals. It is actually a whole food based supplement. The fruit capsules are made from apples, oranges, pineapples, cranberries, peaches, cherries and papayas. The vegetable capsules are made from carrots, parsley, beets, kale, broccoli, cabbage, oat bran, rice bran, spinach, and tomatoes.

I have now been on JuicePlus+ for a little over a month and I am feeling great! Why am I feeling so good? The answer is simple; I am putting the right fuel into my body and that is making it run better! Since taking JuicePlus+ and following an overall healthy eating and exercise program I have not even had a cold. I am not tired or run-down and I don't even get that middle of the afternoon sluggish feeling. I have more energy, I'm more alert, sleeping better at night and even waking up better in the morning!
I am pleased to recommend the joy of taking JuicePlus+ to everyone who takes their health seriously! For more information and videos, you can visit my website at http://www.sewnsosharesjuiceplus.com
~by the way...it doesn't matter where in the world you live, you can order directly off my website and your order will be processed quickly and delivered conveniently to your door!
If you have any questions, just email me and I will be happy to answer your questions.


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